Configure Site Details
Configuring your store’s site details is a crucial step in establishing an organised and branded online presence. From logos to contact information and date-time settings, this guide will walk you through each aspect, ensuring your store is not only visually appealing but also functionally accurate. Follow the step-by-step instructions to personalise your site.

Follow these simple steps to configure your store’s site details:
Step 1 | Store Logo
- Upload your store logo to enhance brand visibility. Ensure it is a transparent PNG or JPEG file, with a maximum size of 50KB.
Step 2 | Favicon
- Create a distinctive favicon for your site. It should be a transparent PNG or JPEG file, with a maximum size of 10KB.
Step 3 | Store Details:
Provide essential information to organise your store effectively.
- Enter your company’s name.
- Add the store’s email address.
- Address:
- Specify your store’s physical location.
- Enter the postal code.
- Mention the city or suburb.
- Specify the state.
- Indicate your country.
- Contact Details:
- Phone: Add the store’s primary contact number.
- Mobile: Optionally, provide a mobile number.
- Fax: If applicable, input the fax number.
- Include your Australian Business Number if applicable.
Step 4 | Date & Time Configuration:
organise your locale settings for date and time.
- Select the desired date format.
- Specify the starting day of the week.
- Select your store’s time zone.
- Indicate the preferred time format (e.g., 12-hour or 24-hour).
- Check this option if you wish to hide the time zone on your site.
By completing these steps, you’ll have a well-organised and personalised storefront, ready to engage customers.