Managing Product Variation
In this section, we’re simplifying how you handle product variations. We offer a centralised management system that simplifies handling product variations. Here, you can create variation types and associate specific values with those types.
Let’s imagine you’re selling T-shirts and have two choices to offer – size and colour. The size option has three variations: small, medium, and large. Meanwhile, the colour option comes in two variations: red and green. In this setup, size and colour are the Variation Types, while small, medium, large, red, and green are the corresponding Variation Values.
In the next steps, we’ll walk you through how you can manage it. Let’s get started!

Creating a New Variation

Here’s a simple guide to add a new variation:
- Click on “+ Add Variation.”
- A popup appears; input the Variation Name.
- Choose the Variation Standard: Text, Color, or Image.
- Fill in Label, Value, and Order. Label is what your customer sees, and Order determines the display sequence.
- Value input differs based on the standard chosen:
- For Text, type in the text.
- For Color, use the colour picker or paste a hex code.
- For Image, upload the image.
- Add more variations with “+ Add Another” or remove with the “Delete” icon.
- When satisfied, save by clicking “Add.”
Editing a Variation
Here’s a simple guide to editing a variation:
- Click on the “Pen” icon.
- A popup appears, allowing you to edit the Variation.
- Note: You can’t change the variation standard.
- Add or remove variation values as needed.

- If you try to delete a linked value, you’ll get a notification: “This Variation Option is associated with 1 Product. Please remove its association with the product before proceeding with the removal. Thank you.”
- Click on “Product” to see the name of the associated product.
- You have to go to the product and unlink the value.
- When done, save changes by clicking “Add.”
Removing a Variation
If you want to remove a veriation follow these steps:
- Click on the delete icon.
- If your variation has values, remove them first before deleting the variation.
- Once ready, click on the delete icon and confirm by pressing “Yes, remove.”